
On Wednesday after school, Maite and I visited the Kinderboekenmuseum in The Hague. It's an interactive museum for kids of all ages. The museum itself is actually located inside the library of a college campus and has two floors. The top floor is where children begin at the letter A and follow the trail to letter Z. Along the way there are different rooms dedicated to the Dutch children's books. In each room, there is a task the children can complete to move on to the next room. The rooms are definitely kid-sized and hard to go through if you're too big. But, what I love about the museum is how centered it is on the child and not the parent. At the end of the alphabet trail is a room dedicated to a famous Dutch author who wrote the book, Ik ben kikker, or, "I am frog." The end of the trial is more of a large jungle gym for children to play on.

Downstairs, the museum is geared toward older kids. There is a really cool maze-like structure that was built on the bottom floor that has different pods for the children to explore. A lot of the hands-on activities are technology based, so the kids are very engaged. The material, too, is based on Dutch children's literature. We had a lot of fun at the museum and would highly recommend going!

Top floor:

Bottom floor:


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