Flat Stanley
Today is our last day in Holland! Stanley and I are headed back to Texas :) We are very excited to get home, but we will miss all of our adventures. (3.1.19)
We visited 3 palaces during our time in Vienna! The picture on the left is from the top of the Karlskirche (St. Charles' Church). The middle picture is from Scönbrunn Palace (it has 1,441 rooms!) and picture on the right is from the Belvedere Palace (my favorite!) (2.25.19 - 2.28.19)
View from the top of the Prague Astronomical Clock! Our time in Prague was amazing. It is a smaller city than we've visited before, but we still managed to walk a lot. The food here is amazing! We ate at a restaurant named Lokal and had a traditional Czech meal. It was the best meal of the trip! Next, we're headed to Vienna, Austria. (2.22.19 - (2.25.19)
Happiest of birthdays, Emily and Billy!! Flat Stanley and I wish y'all a very Happy Birthday from the Charles Bridge in Prague! (2.25.19)
Happy Birthday, Addison!! Flat Stanley and I wish you a very Happy Birthday from Prague Castle! (2.24.19)
Last day of school at Valkenbos Montessori! Stanley and I will miss everyone we met here. (2.21.19)
Flat Stanley really enjoyed his time in Brussels! We ate LOTS of chocolate and visited some neat places. The first picture is of Stanley walking to the Grand Palace. It was quite amazing and very crowded. The sun was shining and the weather was beautiful! The next two pictures were from the Atomium. It stands 102 m tall and was originally constructed for the Brussels World's Fair in 1958. (2.15.19 - 2.17.19)
Happy Birthday, Carter!! We hope you have an awesome day! Today, Stanley and I are in Brussels, Belgium. The picture is from the Comic Book Museum, one of our many stops of the day. (2.15.19)
Happy Valentine's Day!!! (2.14.19)
On Wednesday, we took a day trip to Delft to see the pottery. Along the way, we saw a canal, a windmill, and a pair of wooden clogs in the town square! (2.13.19)
Flat Stanley visited the Kinderboekenmuseum on Tuesday afternoon. It was a great experience getting to see all of the children's books translated into Dutch. (2.12.19)
Friday night Stanley took the train to the airport and headed to London! On Saturday, we walked 33,800 steps around the city. In the middle on the left, is Stanley outside of the Globe Theatre where Shakespeare's plays were performed. In the middle on the right, is a picture of Stanley outside the St. Paul Cathedral. It was magnificent! To end the trip on Sunday, Stanley took a stroll through the park to visit Kensington Palace. (2.8.19 - 2.10.19)
The sun came out today!! It's been a very cloudy and rainy week, so Stanley is very happy that the sun is shining! (2.8.19)
Happy Birthday, Elijah! Flat Stanley and Miss Smith wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday from The Netherlands!! (2.7.19)

Happy Birthday from The Netherlands, Joseph! Miss Smith and Stanley hope you have a great 9th birthday!! (2.6.19)
Happy Chinese New Year! This is from one of the arches from Chinatown in The Hague. (2.5.19)

First night in The Hague we visited the Passage (outdoor mall) and first day of school! Stanley got his picture taken with a model boat from the Golden Ages. (2.4.19)
Stanley wanted to have his picture taken on the airplane from London to Amsterdam. Then, we finally made it to our hotel after a long 14 hour trip. (2.2.19)
We had a fun time exploring the London airport during the layover. Flat Stanley stopped at Harrods and Harry Potter World and had loads of fun! He was really trying hard to fit in with the locals. (2.2.19)

Flat Stanley is anxiously awaiting to board the plane. We are about to depart from Dallas to London and then catching a connection to Amsterdam. Goodbye, Texas! (2.1.19)
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