My Last Week

My last week at Montessori Valkenbos was bittersweet. I am so thankful for my time here and have learned so much these past three weeks. On Wednesday, the school celebrated Juffendag. This day was set aside for all of the teachers to celebrate their birthdays on one day of the school year. Teachers who had birthdays in the summer got to be celebrated, too. It was a day filled with food and games! Students brought flowers or a small gift to honor their teacher’s birthday. Wednesdays are half days at Montessori Valkenbos, so the students go home at 12:15, while teachers stay at the school to plan. In the Netherlands, most all schools get half days on Wednesdays—the reason being so parents can be with their kids in the afternoon. I like that this system is built into the school schedule. It gives time devoted to families to be together during the week. I was also asked to teach an English lesson in my bovenbouw class this week. I did not write a plan, as I was asked ...